In this part of the Hard Work series I want to think through if people will do hard things when they are not forced to do them.
Hard Work – Part 1: What if my children are never forced to do hard things?
With unschooling the question often comes up: “What if my children are never forced to do hard things? Will they ever learn grit and determination? Will they develop a sense of entitlement?” The argument is often made that doing whatever you want is not how the real world works. “What if a boss gives me […]
Life in Riyadh
Who knew that life in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia would end up being this wonderful balance of isolation, adventure, and modern convenience! So far I’m really liking our life in KSA. It’s strange, I kinda feel like I should be posting interesting pictures and anecdotes about our new life for friends and family back home, but […]
Mindfulness in the Midst of Exhaustion
Why do I feel bad about setting firm limits about what I’m willing to do when I know I’m at my limit? I want to own my choices, my work, and be content that I am enough. But honestly, it feels like I’m not enough right now. So, I have a hard deadline for moving. […]
Insulated Life
I live an insulated life. Sometimes I forget what a wonderfully insulated life God has blessed us with. We get to travel a lot and see many different cultures and ways of living. My husband is able to provide a unique and wonderful life for us. In so many ways we get to set our […]
Value Transference
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall […]
Best Laid Plans
the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry Robert Burns, To a Mouse