Two days after our family arrived to our new home in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia I was prompted towards this hindsight reflection of our journey here.
I’m amazed at how merciful and wonderful God’s timing is. It was so hard for me to be away from my husband for two months (even while trying to be mindful of other families being separated for even longer), but the blessing of hindsight allows me to see so many of the gentle kindnesses God has bestowed on us. From a practical point of view, the wait allowed us to complete many things stateside, which would have been much more difficult and costly to complete from overseas. Through waiting, my husband was able to ready our new home, making the transition that much easier for us upon arrival. The wait also allowed for the right timing for my husband to be able to fly back to the US and then fly with the kids and I on the long haul flight to Riyadh (a flight, which I originally thought I would have to do by myself with the kids). Mostly, the separation has given us a renewed compassion and fondness for each other. When I’m temped to get frustrated with my husband, I just remember all those times recently when all I wanted was to just be next to him. It’s a stark reminder of just how blessed I am. God has given me this renewed, beautiful perspective on my marriage, I don’t want to forget that.